
Plenary and minisymposium speakers, as well as poster presenters, are invited to submit a short paper for publication in the ENUMATH 2023 Proceedings Volume to be published by Springer as in the previous years (see ENUMATH 2013 Proceedings, ENUMATH 2015 Proceedings, ENUMATH 2017 Proceedings, Enumath 2019 Proceedings).

Useful information:

Due to unforeseen difficulties with the set up of the Springer EquinOCS system we decided to postpone the submission deadline to January 31st 2024 (previously scheduled for December 31st, 2023).

You can now access the submission platform by clicking on the following link:

  • The manuscripts should be prepared using Springer’s LaTeX template, see below.
  • The manuscripts will undergo a peer-review process.
  • Each participant is allowed to submit one manuscript with a maximal number of 8 10 pages for minisymposia, contributed talks or poster presentations and a maximal number of 16 pages for plenary talks.
  • In order to submit a manuscript you need to register in the EquinOSC system (see link given above).
LaTEX2e style files and manuscript guidelines:
The final version of the manuscript should be prepared with Springer’s style files to be found here. (Go to Layout & templates -> LaTeX template -> contributed books)
  1. References: Springer asks you to follow the document entitled “Mathematical and Physical Sciences.pdf” when formatting the references in your manuscript. Please note that the references should be numbered.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.
  2. Citations should also be handled uniformly throughout the whole volume. We thus propose to cite any references within the text also by numbers (rather than e.g. by author/year).
  3. Your contribution should start with a short Abstract of one or two paragraphs which will be available for free in the electronic version. Please number subheadings subsequently, starting with “1”, also if the first subheading is “1 Introduction”. Regarding the numbering of figures, tables, equations, theorems etc. please use the same style as shown in the authsamp.pdf.
  4. If excerpts from copyrighted works (including websites) such as illustrations, tables, animations, or text quotations are included in your manuscript, please obtain permission from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) for both the print and online format. You can get to most publications via the Copyright Clearance Center at RightsLink ( Only in cases where a publication can’t be found via that service, use the attached Permission Request Form and send it to the rights owner to obtain permission.